
Volume 9 Page 22

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Volume 9 Page 21

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Volume 9 Page 20

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Notes from the production house

Howdy, hope everyone is enjoying the new comics.

The scripting of the next volume is underway and moving at a pretty good clip.  I'm not going to be doing any major artwork upgrades for it so there really isn't any excuse for me not have it ready as soon as this volume ends itself.

The only real danger that could impact the production of the comics is that Netflix recently got Breaking Bad into their instant streaming library.  I am really glad that I held out and didn't buy it all on iTunes, but that might have made it possible for it not to completely pull so much of my free time since it would have cost money.

Ugh, I don't think I'm going to be able to break the habit of double-spacing after the period in my sentences.  It just feels completely natural to me to do it, and I don't care if the new style standard is a single space.  There are decades of muscle memory at work here.

(Okay, that was a bit random.  Blame it on the bourbon.)

I just wanted to let y'all know that I have been thinking about the best way to make the archives easily available in an easier to read version, and I'm thinking that just having a zip-archive available for download just might be the simpliest method that I can make available.  Look for this to be added in the next few weeks.  I'll make sure I announce it in this news feed.  I just want to make sure I prioritize the production of the next volume though.  It really is the thing that I want to keep on schedule.



Volume 9 Page 19

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